Bell Towers
The tenth release on Public Possession comes from no other than Bell Towers. Over the last two years he significantly helped to coin the sound of the label and we are very happy that he is continuing to do so. On this “highly conceptual” release by BT there is a ME) and a you YOU) side. Selfish – Selfless. A glimpse into the romantic mind of Bell Towers. Side one features the bumpy dance cut “Hyper – Realised – Self” in which he very elegantly recites his track “Lightrail” that was previously released on PP. On the YOU) side Rohan continues to make music not only for the feet, but also the heart. “Jumpin’ Off Into The Sea Of Your Love” is an emotional ride carried by dreamy bells and a powerful bassline. Make sure to make eye contact with a person of your choice before playing that record.
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